About the series

Welcome to Immortality

Rafael Jones is just starting out as a private investigator after working as a detective for police forces in Buffalo and New York, NY, when...

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Gifting E-books...

Okay everyone, the big day is drawing near and you still want to get a few more gifts but don't know what to buy, or don't want to go out into the stores which have already pulled down half of their displays and are lining up Spring stuff. What to do, what to do... how about giving someone a good book to read on their Kindle, Nook, or on their computer? It's fast, easy, and you can have it delivered on Christmas Day and know it will arrive on time...

Didn't know you could do this? Neither did I for the longest time. I only found out a couple of years ago when Allan and I released "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home". We were rewarding some of our beta-readers with a free copy of the finished product in whatever form they wished (trade paperback, Kindle, PDF).  Most requested a signed trade paperback, but a couple asked for the Kindle version.


So we headed over to Amazon, got into my account, and pulled up "The Vampyre Blogs - Coming Home".  Once there we found the "Give As A Gift" button and clicked it.  From there we were taken to another screen which asked us to sign into my Amazon account, which we did.  From there we were taken to a final screen


This screen asked only for the e-mail address of the recipient we were sending this book to AND what day I wanted it delivered.  It was the option of a delivery date that really caught my eye.  Now  I had a way of getting a copy of one of my books into someone's hands right on Christmas, their birthday, you name it.

Now some of you may have known all about this, but for those who didn't you now have more options when it comes to shopping for gifts. I personally love the idea of having a book to place in someone's 'Cyber Stocking'.


So for anyone who didn't know about this option, now you do.  And the best part is you can do that kind of shopping right now.  The e-book will not arrive before the date you set.

Of course, being an author I'm going to shamelessly provide links below where all my books are listed and you can choose whichever one(s) you'd like to gift to the readers in your life.


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Random Advice for Writers: #1

Know the tropes of your genre. What will people expect, not only in terms of plot, but characters and character interactions.
Once you know them, decide when to work with them for flow, and when to work against them to surprise the reader and create something that stands out and feels original.
Also there are a few I think you should avoid completely. Deus ex machina and It Was All a Dream endings pretty much are going to feel to the reader like lazy storytelling that leaves them feeling cheated.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


By Helen Krummenacker is now available for NOOK and KOBO as well as KINDLE and SMASHWORDS for just $3.99

SMASHWORDS: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/993061

Life isn’t easy, but it’s easier than adjusting to being dead. Rafael Jones is still learning about his new diet, powers, and limitations when he’s asked to certify that a house isn’t haunted. But when it turns out to have the ghost of a murdered flapper, his new mission is to locate the missing gangster who killed her, the magic mirror that helped the killer disappear, protect his client, and stop a new string of murders. Magic and mystery collide in the summer of 1947, and our detective is digging up answers to questions going back as far as the end of WWI.
*And remember, you can ‘gift’ a copy to your family and friends and have it delivered to their e-reader on Christmas*

Finally, signed paperback copies are available for $12.00 each, or two for $20.00. 

Or you can get a signed copy of the 1st book of the series "Forever's Too Long" as well as "Forever Haunted" for just $20.00. And be assured that more books are coming next year for this growing series.

The author accepts checks and Paypal at (helenkrummenacker@gmail.com). You can contact the author by e-mail to place your order at:


Thursday, December 5, 2019



By Helen Krummenacker is now available for NOOK and KOBO as well as KINDLE and SMASHWORDS for just $3.99

Life isn’t easy, but it’s easier than adjusting to being dead. Rafael Jones is still learning about his new diet, powers, and limitations when he’s asked to certify that a house isn’t haunted. But when it turns out to have the ghost of a murdered flapper, his new mission is to locate the missing gangster who killed her, the magic mirror that helped the killer disappear, protect his client, and stop a new string of murders. Magic and mystery collide in the summer of 1947, and our detective is digging up answers to questions going back as far as the end of WWI.

*And remember, you can 'gift' a copy to your family and friendsand have it delivered to their e-reader on Christmas*

Sunday, December 1, 2019

"FOREVER HAUNTED" Is Now "LIVE" on Amazon...

Just in time for the Christmas season, a good old fashion ghost story is the theme of the second installment of the Forever Detective Series.

The year is 1947 and private investigator Rafael Jones has already learned the hard way that the supernatural is all too real. Having been turned into a vampire, he's trying to continue his work as a detective, while attempting to adapt to and understand his condition. 

Now he has a new case to deal with. A friend has asked him to prove a mansion he's inherited is NOT haunted. Unfortunately, it is... and the ghost needs Rafael for help and justice.

Can our hero find answers and evidence a 20 year old cold case no one knew about? Can he find the Prohibition gangster who murdered the young flapper? These things are harder than you'd expect them to be with a view of the murder on replay. As Rafael finds out, the secrets of the supernatural are not known only to the good guys, and gangsters with access to magic are all the more dangerous. 

Find out in "Forever Haunted" available NOW in Trade Paperback and Kindle:

*LINKS for Nook, Kobo, and other outlets coming soon*