By Helen Krummenacker is now available for
NOOK and KOBO as well as KINDLE and SMASHWORDS for just $3.99
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Life isn’t easy, but it’s easier than adjusting to being dead.
Rafael Jones is still learning about his new diet, powers, and limitations when
he’s asked to certify that a house isn’t haunted. But when it turns out to have
the ghost of a murdered flapper, his new mission is to locate the missing
gangster who killed her, the magic mirror that helped the killer disappear,
protect his client, and stop a new string of murders. Magic and mystery collide
in the summer of 1947, and our detective is digging up answers to questions
going back as far as the end of WWI.
*And remember, you
can ‘gift’ a copy to your family and friends and have it delivered to their
e-reader on Christmas*
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