About the series

Welcome to Immortality

Rafael Jones is just starting out as a private investigator after working as a detective for police forces in Buffalo and New York, NY, when...

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hello, world...

No, I'm not coming out as a computer simulation of a writer. I just want to directly and specifically welcome people to comment or email me, with their questions, comments, etc.

I know I was very shy about writing to writers I liked. Many writers have day jobs. The ones that write for a living have deadlines, contracts, pitches to make, queries to send, and so on. I worried that asking them to take time to respond to one person was impertinent and intrusive.

Now, I'm on the other end of the pen, as it were, and I can tell you-- it can feel kind of lonely! When you're on stage before an audience, you get continuous real time feedback from multitudes. When you paint, you do art shows and get to peek at people's reactions as they look at your work. Sometimes they come over and tell you what spoke to them, or what well-known artist's style you're reminding them of. But there's a time delay with writing, almost always. I have Allan read my stuff in front of me, often, because I want to gauge his reactions. When I sent out my main draft to my beta readers, I was lucky enough to have a couple who were moved to write to me in the middle of reading it. That was quite helpful-- sure, I loved my book, but it needed to be good to other people.

I've fixed a typo a reader spotted that slipped by proofreading, and I suspect my Spanish and Russian dialogue has flaws. If you want to give me a correction, I am likely to find it helpful.

All this is a long way of saying, I really do value my readers and welcome feedback. I'd even be glad to know who is reading my blog, even if you haven't gone for the book. Some people just like to see how writers think and plan. Where are you from, and how is life treating you?

Saturday, June 29, 2019

What you write, vs. what you mean to write.

I didn't write a horror book. At least, I didn't think I did. I wrote a detective novel... with elements of supernatural danger.

But... while there was some scary scenes, the overall tone, I felt, was too optimistic to be horror. It was an adventure tale. A friend said she couldn't read scary tales when I was writing it. At first I told her she'd need to skip a chapter and I'd give her a synopsis. Maybe two. Then she said Harry Dresden books were too scary for her. I told her to forget it. And I didn't hold back when it came to the creep factor if I had a good idea to build the tension somewhere.

But it was not a horror story. I'd written horror before, short stories. Those were grim. Forever's Too Long wasn't grim. It was full of friendship and love, music and kindness. Levity was sprinkled throughout.

A coworker refused to read it on the grounds of she didn't read scary stuff.

I rethought how I'd been looking at it. It was an adventure, yes, and a tale of friendship and love, but couldn't you say the same about Dracula, which authentically was about Johnathan struggling to get to Mina, Mina resisting the call of the vampires, and friends coming together to fight the undead monster who had killed an innocent among them. You couldn't call one of the classics of horror not horror just because it had a happy ending. And the creepy stuff was creepy enough I couldn't push it on someone who couldn't stand anything mildly scary.

So, I sent a copy to a friend who reviews horror. I'll see whether she thinks it's horror or not.


When Allan got the idea for The Vampyre Blogs: Coming Home, he wanted to write the story of a man who was changed by an encounter with a creature from a parallel Earth. In the Para-Earth series, infinite, or nearly so,  timelines exist and in some Earth exists, but evolution happened differently. In this case a kind of intelligent slime-mold formed a symbiotic relationship with the man blown into it's universe. And although he gets home, he finds that as a result of the bonding he is to all intent a living vampire, with a very prolonged life. Yet over a century later, he must deal with a monster from that same universe which found its way into his world. I'm a co-author on that series, because, although Allan does the majority of the actual writing, I've done such extensive work with him on the science aspects, creature development, and character interactions, he sees me as co-creator.

Allan wanted to introduce him to the audience through the eyes of two teen girls, one who had known him since her earliest days, and another meeting him for the first time. A lot of the story revolves around them.

Over a year after it was released, a friend pointed out to him that he'd written a young adult novel. He re-read it and yes... the teens were really the ones with the most important story arcs, as they underwent more personal growth in that frame.

Okay, so he'd written a young adult novel and it was obvious once someone else said it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dream Cast

Most of the time, when writing, I'd create a character and then think about who could play them. Oddly enough, this time, I've often chosen the player first, or part way through, and it influences how I write them.

I'd been wanting to write a classic-style P.I. for a long time, but I never felt like I had a satisfactory plan. Part of it was coming up with a good plot, but I see now that I was seeking something special to define my detective. Then when I was watching Star Wars, I started thinking "That guy doing Poe Dameron would be great as the wisecracking P.I.-- he can do sass, compassion, action". I realized most of the traditional P.I.s were very much white men, and Oscar Isaac was a little more exotic looking. A non-white P.I. in the 40s would  be a reason to include some parts of history often overlooked. I decided to give him a white father for access to more opportunities, but his mother would be Guatemalan. Her Mayan heritage and  other folklore knowledge would link him in with supernatural influences he doesn't yet know about.

A lot of pitches in Hollywood start with, "The part was made for you!" But in this case, it's literal. Writing a Latino detective isn't just a way to give myself a different take on the archetype and explore avenues of history... I also feel like he's had a solid career with a lot of interesting roles, but never that breakout role in the blockbuster movie that makes someone a "star".I'd like him to have that opportunity, and a lead in a visually rich, period, action movie seems like a good chance.

Of course, you can't have film noir without a love interest, or maybe a triangle. So, there's a beautiful, charming client-- but I pictured my detective as being rather pro-woman (there are too many misogynists in fiction from the time), so I wanted to have Clara Thomas be his equal. Less experienced in some aspects of the work, but more in others. Hayley Atwell, who played Peggy Carter, would be perfect for the role. (One of my beta readers definitely recognized her from the descriptions and the action!)

Eugene was harder. He's tall, good-looking, and fair complected, something like this

but as I wrote him, his voice sounded like John Astin. The voice was enough to tell me how I saw the lines delivered. The look can be found.

Cate Blanchett fits my image of Yekaterina well, although I didn't know it until after I wrote it.

The main baddy is, of course, based on someone not an actor. I did watch Christopher Lee's take on the character (no not Dracula), though, and that may have had some influence. I wonder if Keanu Reeves would want to try it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

More Reviews Are Coming In - Rafael and Company Are a Hit!

"Forever's Too Long" just got its third 5-star review:

June 16, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
I'm not the best at reviews, however, with that said, I felt that Helen Krummenacker immersed herself into her first novel with stunning results. Raf is a wonderful character and a bit rough about the edges. The action flows from the beginning as well as the humor. There are a few tiny homages through personalities that I won't give away, but I caught on! All in all an excellent read and can't wait for the second book!

June 6, 2019
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

May 31, 2019
Format: Paperback

Come and check it out for yourself. You won't be sorry.

Friday, June 7, 2019

How can I support authors I like, you ask?

Well, maybe you don't ask. But now you want to know, because once you fall in love with a book, you want more like it.

Review it! Many online stores and book sites allow readers to post reviews. A person is more likely to take a chance on a book that 50 people say they loved than 5 people say they do.

Recommend it! Readers have friends who read, and you likely have an idea of their tastes. A recommendation makes a person more likely to find out more about an unknown book. Some authors, such as J.K. Rowling, got further by word of mouth recommendations and kids buying it for their friends, than by traditional marketing methods.

Gift it! I've been running a special-- the book retails at $12 each, but I've been running a 2 for $20 special via direct sales. It encourages people to either buy an extra as a present for a friend or talk them into buying one too and splitting the savings. And I'd never ask this, but two of my buyers spontaneously paid extra, so that someone who wanted it but couldn't afford it could have a copy.

Speaking of buying direct-- when I purchase a crate of books and sell them directly to people at list price, I get more of a share than the royalties if you buy from retailers. I imagine it works the same way for other authors. So don't think you're shorting us if you want a signed copy.

You're also not wasting our time if you contact us with questions or wanting to share your thoughts. Art is about communication, and as FUN as it is for me to write Rafael Jones, I'm not just doing it for myself. Hearing from readers is very motivational. There's a button to send me an email, or just use the comment area. I love you so much just for being interested enough in my work to come here.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

5-Star Reviews for "Forever's Too Long"...

The first installment of "The Forever Detective" series is now available in Trade Paperback and E-Book formats

And the review are just starting to come in...

                                     "Clever writing without being campy"
"This genre mashup of 1940s detective/vampire novel must have been a challenge for Helen Krummenacker to write, but she pulled it off beautfully...."

"Had so much fun reading this book..."

You can read the rest of the reviews by clicking on the link below:

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Zero Hour. The book is available.

What a tense time. Will it sell? Will people review it? I know the book is good,  but making a splash when there are so many forms of entertainment out there isn't easy.

This is the part where the audience keeps the writer in suspense. But don't worry, I'm good at waiting: in fact, I'll start right now. 

On sale now at:






Also there will be signed trade paperback copies available upon request. Simply leave a comment in the section below, or e-mail me at: 
