"Forever In Deep" the 5-star rated third installment of the Forever Detective Series has joined its siblings on Audible, Itunes, and Amazon. This makes the entire series to date available in audio form, with more books coming, starting with "Forever Festive" which will be released this November.
Allan Krummenacker has once again brought his vocal talents to the forefront to bring Rafael Jones and his friends Medium Brown, Flannery and a host of a new characters to life for you in this 3rd adventure of our favorite vampire detective.
This tale takes Rafael to upstate New York, accompanied by Medium Brown, to look into a series of mysterious drownings that have been taking place in Saratoga Springs. The clues they find lead them to the racetrack where they find another familiar face, who also finds the drownings intriguing and troubling. But who or what is behind the killings?
Perhaps this little snippet will give you all a hint:
If you'd like to hear more, just click on one of the links below for the format that works best for you.
Audible Link Amazon Link Itunes Link
And if you missed out on the earlier books, here are the audio links for "Forever's Too Long"...
and "Forever Haunted":
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